• Address US: 150N Michigan Ave-28th Floor, Chicago.
    Address UK: Windmill Hill Business Park, Whitehill Way Swindon.
  • Emailsupport@premiumassetmanagers.com
  • Us +181532421866
    UK +447451275228

Forex or Fx is an acronym of Foreign Exchange and Forex trading means to trade on this market. Trading takes place by predicting how one currency performs against another in a Forex pair.

It is the largest market in the world with average daily trading volumes exceeding trillions of dollars.

For those who know what they are doing, Forex trading can be very profitable activity although it doesn't come without risks. To get the best out of your trading experience. It is critical that you choose a Forex platform/broker that can offer you everything you need from demo platforms to educational tools.

Selecting the right broker can be a time-consuming process. Who do you choose and why? What do you look out for and how do you know that the company/broker is safe? That is where we come in. Our team of experts scour the internet reviewing and rating all of the markets, so that we only present you with the best of them. It is then up to you to make an informed decision as to how much to invest.

  • Basic

  • 8.7% Roi weekly

  • Min-Max $500-$4999
  • 30% monthly
  • 2% referral bonus
  • Enthusiast

  • 10.0% ROI (Weekly)

  • Min-Max $5100- $19999
  • 35% monthly
  • 3% referral bonus
  • Professional

  • 11.2% Roi weekly

  • Min-Max $20000-$49999
  • 42% monthly
  • 5% referral bonus
  • Veteran

  • 12.1% ROI (Weekly)

  • Min-Max $50000-$69999
  • 45% monthly
  • 6% referral bonus
  • Gold

  • 13.1% ROI (Weekly)

  • Min-Max $70000-$99999
  • 46% monthly
  • 7% referral bonus
  • Platinum

  • 14% ROI (Weekly)

  • Min-Max $100000-$120999
  • 47% monthly
  • 8% referral bonus
  • Diamond

  • 15% ROI (Weekly)

  • Min-Max $120000-$150000
  • 47.5% monthly
  • 9% referral bonus
  • Ultimate

  • 17% ROI (Weekly)

  • Min-Max $150000 - Unlimited
  • 49% monthly
  • 10% referral bonus


Premium Asset Managers is a UK-based investment manager with offices in USA, Australia and canada. We are a dynamic group whose main focus is to provide our clients with the best possible service, We apply a systematic and quantitative approach to investment management, with the aim of generating high-quality and diversifying alpha for its clients’ portfolios.